Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Uppruna mál
Ynskt mál

Úrslit 21 - 23 av okkurt um 23
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Uppruna mál
Enskt The only thing you have is your acquisitions
The only thing you have is your acquisitions

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Latín Omnia, quae habeas, tuae impetrationes sunt.
Uppruna mál
Enskt Seize the day, because at the end of the day the...
Seize the day, because at the end of the day the only thing you have is happiness.

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Latín Carpe diem, quod felicitatem solam in fine diei habebis.
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